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How to Fuel Your Body for Cycling Performance: A Comprehensive Guide

Cycling is not only a test of endurance and skill but also of proper nutrition and hydration. Whether you're a competitive cyclist or a weekend warrior, fueling your body correctly can make a significant difference in your performance and recovery. Here’s a guide to optimizing your nutrition for peak cycling performance.

1. Understanding Your Energy Needs

Cycling demands a lot from your body. To perform at your best, you need to ensure that you're consuming enough calories and nutrients to match the intensity and duration of your rides. Energy needs can vary based on factors such as ride duration, intensity, and individual metabolism.

2. Carbohydrates: Your Primary Fuel Source

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for cyclists. During prolonged exercise, your body relies on glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and liver, to power your efforts.

  • Before Your Ride: Consume a meal rich in carbohydrates 3-4 hours before riding. Opt for complex carbs such as oatmeal, whole-grain bread. A smaller snack, like a banana or a granola bar, can be eaten 30-60 minutes before your ride.

  • During Your Ride: For rides lasting longer than an hour, consume easily digestible carbs every 30-45 minutes. Energy gels, sports drinks, and carbohydrate-rich snacks are ideal for maintaining energy levels.

  • After Your Ride: Replenish glycogen stores with a meal or snack that combines carbs and protein. A recovery shake, a smoothie with fruit and yogurt, or a chicken sandwich with whole-grain bread are excellent options.

3. Proteins: Essential for Recovery and Repair

Protein is crucial for muscle repair and recovery. After intense rides, your muscles need amino acids to rebuild and strengthen.

  • Daily Intake: Aim for a protein intake of about 1.2-1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight, depending on the intensity and frequency of your cycling sessions.

  • Post-Ride Recovery: Within 30-60 minutes after your ride, consume a meal or snack with a good protein source. Options include lean meats, eggs, dairy products, or plant-based proteins like beans and lentils.

4. Fats: A Secondary Energy Source

Fats are an important energy source, especially for longer rides. They provide sustained energy and are essential for overall health.

  • Incorporate Healthy Fats: Include sources of unsaturated fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Avoid excessive intake of saturated and trans fats.

5. Hydration: Stay Ahead of the Thirst

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing dehydration.

  • Before Your Ride: Drink 500-600 ml (about 17-20 ounces) of water 2-3 hours before starting.

  • During Your Ride: Aim to drink 150-250 ml (5-8 ounces) of water every 15-20 minutes. For rides longer than an hour, consider a sports drink to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat.

  • After Your Ride: Rehydrate with water or an electrolyte-rich drink. Monitoring the color of your urine can help ensure you're staying properly hydrated (aim for pale yellow).

6. Electrolytes: Balancing the Essentials

Electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, are crucial for muscle function and fluid balance.

  • Electrolyte Sources: Sports drinks, electrolyte tablets, and foods like bananas, potatoes, and dairy products can help maintain electrolyte balance.

7. Timing and Frequency: Eat to Perform

Meal timing and frequency play a significant role in your performance and recovery.

  • Pre-Ride: Ensure you have a balanced meal with carbs and protein 3-4 hours before your ride. A small snack 30-60 minutes before can provide an additional energy boost.

  • During Ride: Regularly consume carbs and fluids to sustain energy levels.

  • Post-Ride: Refuel with a combination of carbs and protein within 30 minutes to optimize recovery.

8. Tailoring Your Nutrition

Everyone’s body responds differently to various foods and timings. It’s essential to experiment and find what works best for you. Pay attention to how different foods affect your energy levels and performance, and adjust your nutrition strategy accordingly.

  • 9 SEPTEMBER 2024

10 Cycling Mistakes To Avoid

There are a number of common cycling errors that new riders typically make when they start out. Make sure you avoid these cycling mistakes.

Whether you're new to cycling or a dyed-in-the-wool veteran with thousands of kilometers in your legs, we all make mistakes. It’s the way we learn—the ‘experiential learning cycle,’ as it were. So, before you make any more, have a look at these common cycling mistakes. Hopefully, they’ll help you out and may even improve you as a rider.

1. Saddle Height Aside from soft tires, saddle height is one of the main reasons you may be inefficient as a rider. A saddle placed too high or too low means that the power from your legs won’t be delivered properly. To get your saddle height right, follow these steps:

  • Ride with your heel on the pedal.
  • When your leg is at the very bottom of the pedal stroke, it should be almost straight, but not quite.
  • Set your saddle at this height.
  • When riding with your foot in the ‘normal’ position (ball of the big toe over the center of the pedal axle), you should achieve an efficient pedaling action at an ideal height.
  • Don’t be afraid to adjust a little higher or lower from this point to fine-tune things if needed.
  • You should still be able to touch the ground with your toes on either side of the bike while seated in the saddle.

2. Not Fueling for a Ride Correctly For runners, the commonly used phrase ‘hitting the wall’ refers to the point when the body runs out of fuel/energy and grinds to a halt. Cyclists generally refer to this occurrence as the ‘bonk,’ and it is something that has happened to most riders at some point, even the pros. When heading out on a ride, take a bit more food than you actually need and perhaps two bottles, especially if riding in more remote areas where there’s little chance of finding somewhere to get supplies. Plan ahead, as having some food/drink in reserve is better than running the risk of bonking.

3. Braking in Corners This is a very common cycling error, especially among new cyclists. The safest, most efficient technique is to brake before the corner, not actually while you are in the corner. Doing this with your bike banked over at an angle can result in the bike locking up, causing you to lose control and crash.

  • To brake safely, do so on the approach to a bend, making sure to brake gently but enough to slow you down to a point where you can safely negotiate the corner.
  • Remember to brake earlier in wet conditions, as the stopping distance will be greater, especially for those of you with caliper as opposed to disc brakes.

4. No Spares or Tools When heading off on a ride, you need to ensure that you’ve packed a few essential spares and tools that could get you home should you have a problem. As a guide, always take the following items with you, which can be stashed in a saddlebag under your saddle or distributed in your pockets:

  • 2 x inner tubes
  • Tire levers
  • Patches (instant stick-on type are best)
  • Mini pump (or CO2 inflator)
  • Multi-tool (ideally with a chain link extractor)

5. Grabbing Hard on the Brakes When you need to slow down, don’t just ‘grab’ the brakes hard. Braking should be done in a controlled manner so that your weight distribution on the bike remains as stable as possible. The dangers of sudden braking include loss of control and stability, which can result in you flying over the handlebars. To ensure safe braking:

  • Look well ahead, anticipate, and brake steadily using both front and rear brakes simultaneously, with slightly more emphasis on the front brake.

6. Riding Too Far, Too Hard, Too Soon Know your ability and ride within it. There’s nothing wrong with aiming high, but the key to achieving your ambitions is to build up steadily. Cycling is a hard sport but wonderfully rewarding. Don’t knock your confidence by doing too much too soon, as good consistent steady training is what will bring you progress rather than trying to hammer it from the off.

7. Poor Bike Maintenance This is basic info but important both from a convenience point of view and from a safety perspective. Get into the habit of regularly checking your bike and keeping it maintained, especially if you don’t want the embarrassment of having to be rescued from the roadside. Pay particular attention to the brakes, gears, handlebars, and tires, and regularly clean and lubricate the chain. It makes sense to get your bike serviced at regular intervals, especially if you are unsure or in doubt regarding a more complex part of the bike. The best advice is not to chance it.

8. Unsuitable Clothing This is yet another element of cycling that you need to plan for; otherwise, you could find yourself miserable on a ride or even worse, in extreme difficulty. Make sure you check the weather forecast for the entire duration of your ride. Think about the length of the ride you are planning and see if the weather conditions are likely to be changeable.

  • In colder conditions, it’s best to slightly overdress rather than underdress, as you can always take off layers if you are too warm or unzip to let cool air in.
  • Conversely, if heading out in just shorts and short sleeves and you encounter a rainstorm, for example, your body temperature can fall rapidly. Always pack a windproof/waterproof layer or gilet that can be stowed in your pocket. This becomes even more important if you are riding in hilly terrain with drastic elevation changes, where you could be very warm on the climb but freezing on the downhill due to wind chill.

9. Not Using Gears Efficiently Gears help improve the efficiency of your power over different terrain, so make sure you use them correctly. The majority of bikes will have upwards of 20 gears, giving a very wide choice of ratios to suit all abilities. It may take a while to discover what gearing works for you, but you shouldn’t be pedaling so furiously that your body starts to rock from side to side while doing 10 mph on a flat stretch of road. At the other end of the spectrum, you shouldn’t be trying to turn over a large gear so that every pedal revolution feels like a weights session and your knees start to hurt.

  • As a guide, it is suggested that on the flat, you should aim to maintain a cadence of 70-90 rpm (pedal revolutions per minute). Make sure you shift down to the easier gears for climbs and shift up to the harder gears for the flatter downhill sections of road. This may seem like basic stuff, but believe me, it’s more common than you realize if the number of people I see struggling in the wrong gear is anything to go by.

10. Squeaking Chain Not only can a squeaking chain be infuriating to you and your fellow riders, but it also won’t be doing your bike chain or cassette (cogs on the rear hub) much good either, as the sound is friction wearing out your components. So, apply some light oil or chain lube (there’s a wide variety available for wet and dry riding), wipe off the excess, and away you go! No more squeaks, and your chain (and other components) will be ever grateful and last a lot longer than they otherwise might have.

  • 28 AUGUST 2024

Road Bikes vs. Hybrid Bicycles: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to choosing a bicycle, understanding the differences between various types can help you make an informed decision. Road bikes and hybrid bicycles are two popular options, each with its own set of advantages and features. In this article, we’ll delve into the specifications, important features, and key differences between road bikes and hybrid bicycles to help you decide which is the best fit for your needs.

Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, selecting the right bike is crucial for an enjoyable and efficient riding experience. Road bikes and hybrid bicycles cater to different types of cyclists and riding conditions. Road bikes are designed for speed and long-distance riding on paved roads, while hybrid bicycles offer versatility, combining features of both road and mountain bikes, making them suitable for a variety of terrains.

Road Bikes


  • Frame Material: Carbon fiber, aluminum, titanium, or steel
  • Geometry: Aggressive, aerodynamic
  • Handlebars: Drop bars
  • Gearing: High gear ratios for speed
  • Tires: Narrow (23-28mm), high-pressure
  • Brakes: Caliper or disc brakes
  • Weight: Lightweight (7-10 kg)

Important Features:

    1. Speed and Efficiency: Road bikes are built for speed, with lightweight frames and narrow tires that minimize rolling resistance. The aerodynamic design helps riders maintain higher speeds with less effort.

    2. Aggressive Riding Position: The drop handlebars and aggressive frame geometry put the rider in a forward-leaning position, which reduces wind resistance and enhances pedaling efficiency.

    3. Smooth Paved Roads: Road bikes excel on smooth, paved surfaces. Their thin tires and stiff frames provide a responsive and smooth ride on asphalt.

    4. High Gearing: Road bikes come with high gear ratios, allowing cyclists to achieve greater speeds, especially on flat terrains and descents.

    5. Lightweight Construction: The use of materials like carbon fiber and aluminum ensures that road bikes are extremely lightweight, making them easy to handle and faster on the road.

Hybrid Bicycles


  • Frame Material: Aluminum, steel, or carbon fiber
  • Geometry: Relaxed, upright
  • Handlebars: Flat or riser bars
  • Gearing: Versatile gear range
  • Tires: Medium width (28-42mm), moderate pressure
  • Brakes: Disc or V-brakes
  • Weight: Moderate (10-15 kg)

Important Features:

    1. Versatility: Hybrid bicycles are designed to handle a variety of terrains, including paved roads, gravel paths, and light trails. This versatility makes them an excellent choice for commuting, leisure riding, and fitness.

    2. Comfortable Riding Position: The relaxed frame geometry and upright handlebars provide a more comfortable and less strenuous riding position, which is ideal for casual rides and longer journeys.

    3. Wider Tires: Hybrid bikes come with wider tires compared to road bikes, offering better stability and traction on different surfaces. This makes them suitable for both urban environments and light off-road trails.

    4. Moderate Gearing: Hybrids are equipped with a versatile gear range that allows riders to tackle various terrains, including hills and flat roads, with ease.

    5. Durability: Hybrid bikes are generally built to be robust and durable, capable of withstanding a variety of riding conditions and surfaces.

Key Differences Between Road Bikes and Hybrid Bicycles

    1. Purpose and Usage:

    • Road Bikes: Ideal for competitive cycling, long-distance rides, and speed-focused training on paved roads.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Best for commuting, recreational rides, and versatile use on multiple terrains.

    2. Frame and Geometry:

    • Road Bikes: Feature a lightweight, aerodynamic frame with an aggressive geometry designed for speed and efficiency.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Have a more relaxed frame geometry that prioritizes comfort and versatility.

    3. Handlebars:

    • Road Bikes: Equipped with drop bars that offer multiple hand positions and an aerodynamic riding stance.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Feature flat or riser bars that provide a more upright and comfortable riding position.

    4. Tires:

    • Road Bikes: Use narrow, high-pressure tires that reduce rolling resistance and enhance speed on smooth roads.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Come with wider tires that provide better traction and stability on a variety of surfaces.

    5. Gearing:

    • Road Bikes: Typically have higher gear ratios suited for maintaining high speeds.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Offer a versatile gear range to accommodate different riding conditions and terrains.

    6. Brakes:

    • Road Bikes: Usually come with caliper or disc brakes that provide strong stopping power for high-speed rides.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Often feature disc or V-brakes that offer reliable performance in various conditions.

    7. Weight:

    • Road Bikes: Generally lighter, with weights ranging from 7 to 10 kg, enhancing speed and maneuverability.
    • Hybrid Bicycles: Heavier, with weights between 10 to 15 kg, contributing to their durability and versatility.

  • 22 AUGUST 2024

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